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What is Spark?

Spark is the next-gen DeFi infrastructure for DAI, on a mission to empower the DAI ecosystem. As part of the MakerDAO community, Spark introduces innovative protocols and governance mechanisms to enhance the DeFi landscape.

Key Components of Spark

  • SparkLend: A DAI-centric money market protocol that combines liquidity directly from Maker and vertically integrates with the best DeFi protocols.

  • sDAI: A yield-bearing stablecoin representing DAI in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) module, distributing revenue from the Maker protocol to DAI holders.

  • SparkConduits: Enabling direct liquidity from Maker to protocols as part of the overall Maker Allocation System.

  • SparkDAO: A Maker Allocator subDAO that owns and manages Spark through decentralized governance. Scheduled for launch in May 2024.

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Protocol Explorering platform

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